OMG: The girl swallowed the mobile in anger, the doctors removed the mobile from her stomach by operation, saved her life

OMG: The girl swallowed the mobile in anger, the doctors removed the mobile from her stomach by operation, saved her life

Gwalior, Till now you must have heard cases of unknowingly eating or swallowing coins, all pins, etc. But, a unique case has come to light in Bhind district of Madhya Pradesh, in which a young woman got angry and swallowed a whole mobile phone. When the relatives of the girl came to know about this, they immediately took her to the district hospital. From here he was referred to Gwalior. After coming to Gwalior, the team of doctors in the district hospital successfully operated and took out the mobile phone from the girl’s stomach.

Superintendent of District Hospital, Gwalior, Dr. RK Dhakad told that the issue of mobile being taken out by the girl had come to the district hospital. The mobile came down from the neck and reached the girl’s stomach, due to which she was in unbearable pain. When the girl was subjected to ultrasound and other tests, the correct position of the mobile phone in her stomach became clear. After this, a team of doctors under the guidance of Dr. Prashant Srivastava, HOD of the surgery department, successfully removed the mobile phone from the girl’s stomach by performing an operation. Due to this the girl got relief from pain.

Dr. Dhakad told that this is the first such case in which such a big thing has reached the stomach through the throat. However, the girl’s life has been saved by successfully operating it.

What was the reason for swallowing the mobile phone of the girl

It is being told that this girl, a resident of Bhind, had a fight with her brother over a mobile phone. In this, the girl got angry and swallowed the mobile. After this, there was unbearable pain in his stomach, then the family took him to the district hospital. Seeing his serious condition here, he was immediately referred to Gwalior. After coming to Gwalior, the team of doctors operated on the girl on time and removed the mobile phone from her stomach.

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FIRST PUBLISHED : April 05, 2023, 19:39 IST

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